8 August 2014
Captured mouse #10 and
relocated the critter to the Silver Lake parking lot stump. Luther, Ian, Fred, Ty, and Perry finished
putting on the Sun Room roof rafters, sub-fascia, outlooks, and roof
sheathing. Goodro’s delivered a bunch of
concrete block for the top of the chimney.
Kevin laid another 11 courses, extending the woodstove chimney to just
below the roof. Chree and I took Dolores
over to the Fryeburg, ME State Fairgrounds, via a constitutional at
Kampersville. 200 miles in 5½ hours,
with a stop for lunch and dog-walking.
Discovered, upon arrival, that the fairgrounds camping area only has 20
amp electrical outlets. Dolores’s plug is for 30 amp service. Apparently this problem is quite common, as
the fairgrounds office quickly gave me a 30 amp to 20 amp plug converter. Tasi & Rachel (newly arrived back in the
States from their sojourn in Africa and Europe this summer) and Alex, Katy,
& Devin arrived just in time for dinner, having spent the day in the clouds
getting a VIP tour of the observatory on top of Mount Washington.