31 August 2014
Stayed up to midnight,
as is my want when addicted to a good novel (The Host by Stephenie Meyer), figuring that today was Sunday and I
could sleep in if so disposed (or is that, if so reposed?). Middle of the night was awoken by a fork
flying off the kitchen counter onto the floor.
A furry ghost, perchance? At 5:52
am, was awoken again by something climbing across my head. The same
furry ghost? Needless to say, didn’t get
nearly enough sleep overnight. After
attending to Lynne’s cats, patched the holes in the west wall of the house
where, last week, I tried to drive the backhoe into the basement without
benefit of door. Not one of my better
moves... Finished the patching job just
as it started to rain. After lunch,
helped Kate with two small carpentry projects, then installed some more
hurricane tie-downs and thoroughly swept the house main level. Discovered that the expensive fancy corner
tie-downs that we special-ordered don’t fit.
Gnashing of teeth! Also
discovered 9 places where the roof is still leaking. Somebody named Sean is not going to be a
happy camper come Tuesday morning start of business.