10 August 2014

Tasi, Rachel, Chree, and I left the Fryeburg State Fairgrounds at 0700 headed west.  Chree said Dolores could have her old name (Delores) back if she didn’t balk climbing back up through Crawford Notch.  First gear and the accelerator flat to the floor on the final grade, but she blew through the Notch at 35 mph… and brought us all the way to Fern Lake with nary a complaint.  Put $275 worth of gasoline in her gizzards over the course of the trip, which works out to a whopping 6.1 mpg!  Stopped in Shelburne for a couple of hours to visit and have a picnic lunch with Alverta.  After a house tour and some cooling-off lake time, we had burgers and dogs on the campfire grill, joined in our repast by Lynne & Perry.