18 August 2014
Perry and I started
work on the sauna building. By day’s end
we had the sill plates and rim joists installed, plus the two joists that will
be under the wall between the sauna itself and the dressing area. We also lugged down and put in place 600
pounds of granite gravestones, on top of which will sit the sauna stove. In the course of putting those 6 stones in
place, discovered (I think hope pray guess) that the
cement pad for the sauna stove was poured 3½″ too long. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Roy and
Trigger were… the Goose Creek crew was busy taking down all the staging and
putting it on my trailer for schlepping elsewhere. Sean eyeballed the roof leak
locations and felt pretty sure that they were from the “stickers” (long 2x4’s)
that were nailed / screwed through the roof sheathing to provide a last-chance
foothold for anyone who slipped while working on the roof. We’ll see if that analysis was correct next
time it rains… Sean also showed me the
windows / doors cost breakdown that Goodro’s put together, and is certain that
that line item will come in under budget. Sure hope so…
Luther removed the stickers and taped over the roof sheathing holes,
sealed up the temporary “window” that had been cut in the west wall sheathing
to allow access to the scaffolding, then spent the rest of the day building the
stairs between the Main Level and basement, with help from Ian and Fred, who also installed the people doors for
the Garage and the Shop.