4 August 2014

The day started out with a lot of unforecast rain, so I was thinking that construction activities had been washed out.  That opinion was reinforced when Perry arrived and said there were a bunch of Goose Creek trucks parked at Rosie’s Restaurant.  However, about 8 the rain stopped and the skies started to clear, which heralded the arrival of the entire Goose Creek crew (Sean, Ian, Fred, Luther, and Ty).  Ian, Fred, and Perry put up two-high staging all along the west wall of the house, then Perry cut off (plumb and level) the four rafters there while Ian and Fred finished the wall sheathing.  Meanwhile, Luther and Ty installed roof sheathing on the north side of the house, then taped all the seams for the roof sheathing thus far installed.  Sean supervised, laid out the east wall of the Sun Room, and helped the two teams of builders as needed.  Chree and I went into Burlington so that I could finish installing the bathroom light / fan in our condo and Chree could visit with Alverta.  After dinner, a perfect evening for canoeing, we took Hopea Kanootti for a spin around the lake.