Off to Goodro’s early
morn to put the first color coat on the two steel beams. Met Alverta at a rendezvous along US 7 and
guided her back to Fern Lake, arriving a few minutes before Alex, Katy, &
Devin, up for the weekend from the Boston environs. After a tour of the premises, Alex and I
installed the radon abatement piping by cutting out a section of Blueboard, digging
out the sand and stone underneath to make a shallow trench, putting in the
holey pipe I had fabricated, and, finally, reinstalling the foam over top. Marty came up early afternoon to kindly offer
use of Chez Lapidus for the cookout planned for later. As it was a cold, windy, cloudy day, we
gratefully accepted. Sitting around an
hour later enjoying a pre-prandial beverage (or two) while staying warm by the
campfire, the sun came out and the wind abated.
So canceled our off-site dining reservation and started grilling
burgers. Lynne brought a large garden salad
and desert, Merry came with her famous orzo salad, Alverta provided potato
salad, beanies and weenies appeared by magic, and Dolores contributed many fluid
ounces of imminently potable libations.
After the dishes were done, Alex, Katy, & Devin took possession of the
RV and I went down to bed at Marty & Merry’s.