28 May 2014
Jimmy Ploof came
bearing gifts (a truckload of stone for bedding the perimeter drains) just on
7:30. Chuck pulled in at 8 and continued
putting in the under-slab plumbing conduit.
I built a 14″ square by 5½″ deep box that will be used to keep part of
the floor under the Guest Bath shower concrete-less, ‘cause we won’t know
exactly where the drain will be located until we buy that shower, many moons
after the cellar floor concrete is poured.
I also dug more trenches and helped Chuck whenever he needed an extra
hand or two. Used a hand sledge and cold
chisel to notch the footers in two places so that plumbing stacks for the Main
Level could be run from under the slab into the wall without being seen. Early afternoon Jason and Nate came back and,
in short order, sprayed a tar and rubber compound over all the below-grade
portions of the exterior walls. While
that was ongoing, the Goodro Lumber delivery truck arrived with the closed-cell
polystyrene foam (aka Blueboard) that will be used to insulate under the cellar
floor. Boy is that stuff E∙X∙P∙E∙N∙S∙I∙V∙E!!!! Somebody (Dow Chemical?) is
raking in the big bucks with that product. The driver was pleased to see that
the Kubota has forks… which made unloading the truck a lot easier than moving
120 4x8 sheets by hand. Chuck finished his work and left at 3. I then spent
another 3 hours moving stone around, trying to at least approximate the
conditions that obtained before Chuck started the plumbing rough-in.