21 October 2014

Got an email and picture from Kevin saying / showing that the sauna building roof was complete.

18 October 2014

Weather forecast was for rain showers starting Saturday afternoon.  Woke up at 6:30 to a pitter patter on the rooftop.  Quickly put the slide-out in, leaves and all… which is another way of saying that Delores was a good girl and started right up.  After breakfast, took her up to Kampersville for her final constitutional of the season.  Back t’ Fern Lake by 9:30 and continued the winterization checklist, ignoring the intermittent rain showers.  Was finishing up when Perry arrived just before 11 to help put on the big blue tarp.  Unfortunately, so did a downpour.  After watching it rain hard for 15 minutes with no signs of the rain relenting, we uttered an earthy term that, roughly translated, means “we give up”.  So left Delores sans tarp and headed south. Got back to Springfield 9 hours later.  Chree appreciated the birthday cake; I appreciated the Black Label she had ready.

17 October 2014

Jeff Many came by at 8:30 and quickly diagnosed the problem with the southern garage door not locking as being due to operator error.  Well, just color my face red!  Kevin arrived at 9:30 (having been otherwise engaged this morning fixing somebody else’s leaking roof) and found the source of our leak was an unfilled nail hole… which he had made while putting on the valley flashing.  You can color his face red, too.  While I spent the day cleaning and packing, Kevin finished the house roof.  Sean came by, just as I was starting to make Chree’s birthday cake, to check on progress… and take away the second installment of his contract management fee.  Sean also designed a simple gutter to be installed over the woodshed people door to divert water away from the ramp.


16 October 2014

As forecast, rained hard all morning and showered most of the afternoon.  One substantial leak under the roof valley… one of the areas over which the metal roof has not been finished. Still shouldn’t leak, though, with the Zip System and waterproof paper and ice & water shield already covering that area.  Grrr….  Spent the day cleaning and packing.  My motto: “A clean woodshed is a happy woodshed!”  Another fabulous gourmet dinner over at Lynne & Perry’s.

15 October 2014

Kevin and Brian continued roofing the house, getting all but two small sections on the east and west sides of the Sun Room done.  I spent the day in Burlington spending money at Lowes, retrieving the repaired air compressor, taking Alverta out for lunch, and ordering a replacement washer and dryer for our condo.  Got back to Fern Lake at 5 to find that the temperature inside Delores was well over 80°, the lake water temperature is down to 61°, and the lake level is 18 below the top of the dock.

14 October 2014

Kevin and Brian pulled in just after 7 and went to work on the west side of the house roof, getting most of it done before beer o’clock.  Earned my pay today: noticed, after they’d put on only one pan that had to be taken back off (ruining it), that they’d put the rain diverter over the Shop door in the wrong place, something they wouldn’t have caught until much too expensively late.  Jeff Many arrived mid-morning and finished installing the garage doors. Kevin and I installed the metal chimney on the sauna building, which I then cleaned and secured for the winter (the building, not the chimney). I also put the Kubota to bed for the winter and then started putting together the pile of tools that will be making the trip back to Virginia. Perry came by late afternoon and helped me move Hopea Kanootti and the kayak from the waterfront up to the sauna building for winter storage.


13 October 2014

Mouse #15 was captured and moved, before dawn, to the tree stump in the Silver Lake parking lot.  Kevin, Brian, and Jimmy all arrived about 7:30.  Kevin & Brian put up half the pans on the south side roof, installed the third (west facing) skylight in the Sun Room, erected staging along the west wall, and put on the west roof drip edge. Jimmy quickly finished the big retaining wall.  How big, you ask?  12½ feet tall at the highest point and 115 feet long at the upper perimeter.  In rough-grading the croquet court filled area, he came up with a good-sized pile of smaller rocks which he moved to where Chree’s garden will be, as we’ll need a smaller retaining wall there, too. Wink brought in a truckload of crushed dirt which he spread over that part of the driveway which was re-graded earlier this summer… and has been rougher ‘n a cob ever since.  James came with the skid steer just before noon (and just as Jimmy was finishing up) and smoothed out the new fill.  Just because I could, found out you now can go 20 mph down the driveway without losing all the fillings in your teeth.  Merry came up to see the doings and invite me down for chicken soup, made with a whole chicken and every vegetable she could get her hands on.  Fabulous, as always!


12 October 2014

Cutting / splitting / stacking firewood most of the day.  Finished filling the north side of the wood shed… and then some, as I misjudged how much wood was on the last fork-load I brought up from the storage pile, which is quite a bit smaller than it was last spring (see before and after pictures below).  Gave the log splitter a bath and put it away for the winter.  Also gave the Kubota a bath… she being such a nice girl and all.


11 October 2014

Spent the morning putting in the rest of the 1½ PVC conduit in which the sauna building ½ PEX water line will be run.  Finding decent soil with which to cover the conduit was a time-consuming challenge, even using the Kubota to cheat like crazy.  Spent the afternoon cutting / splitting / stacking firewood.  Got to within a dozen pieces of finishing the 5th row (out of 7) in the north side of the woodshed.

10 October 2014

Jimmy arrived at 8:30 and set me to work scavenging wall building rocks from around the property, while he continued stacking them one upon the other.  Found a dozen in the 300 to 1,000 pound range, dug them out with the backhoe, and hauled all but the two largest to the work site with the Kubota.  At lunchtime Jimmy went over to his gravel pit and brought back 3 more rocks in the multi-ton range.  That should give us enough to finish the wall, which stands just over 11 feet high at its apex.  From the house to the wall measures 50 feet… we are going to have one heck of a croquet court!  Sean stopped by again this morning to admire our creation.  Kevin and Brian showed up at 3:30 to take away their metal forming trailer, promising to return first thing Monday morning.  At the end of the day, Jimmy dug the trench from the house down to where the sauna building waterline conduit now ends.  I need to put 1½ pipe in that trench; he dug it 3 feet wide!  Think it’ll fit?


9 October 2014

Kevin and Brian were off doing flat roof jobs today.  Jimmy got here at 8 to continue playing with rocks. We made the MOST awesome cave… EVER!!!!  The piece de resistance was a 4¾ ton 9 x 6 x 1 flat rock that Jimmy had lying around in his gravel pit and brought over to be the cave roof.  The inside dimensions of the cave are roughly 4 high x 2 wide x 6′ deep. Now the bad news, as hard as this will be to believe: we are rapidly running out of suitable rocks (i.e., 500 pounds or larger) for the retaining wall.  Who’d a thunk? Marty (Merry being away babysitting grandchildren) came up for a real-man’s meal: Scotch, steak, and potatoes, topped off with double chocolate walnut brownies and ice cream.  What’s not to like?


8 October 2014

Kevin and Brian got here just after 7.  They installed the east- and south-facing skylights and the rain diverter over the garage people door.  Then they put all the pans on the east side of the house roof by their mid-afternoon quitting time.  Most of the day I spent cutting / splitting / stacking firewood, getting to just about the halfway point of filling the north end.  Jimmy arrived at 1:30 and worked until 6 on the west-side retaining wall.  What he’s done so far looks FABULOUS!  Unfortunately, every time he grabbed the huge rock I wanted to use for the cave, the rock moved him instead of vice versa.  (By rough measurement, that rock weighs about 11½ tons.)  However, a “small” rock (on the surface) that I thought Jimmy might use in the wall turned out to be a 4½ ton monster that he was able to slide uphill into place to form one side of the cave.  Building stone walls is SO MUCH FUN!!!!  Sean came by for a beer for an hour to check on progress, talk about a few minor outstanding issues, and cogitate about continuing the house build next summer / fall / winter.


7 October 2014

Rain showers all morning… a good time to review the RV winterization procedures and update the inventory of “stuff” that will either stay in Vermont or go back to Virginia sometime in the near future.  Spent the afternoon cutting / splitting / stacking firewood.  Jimmy Ploof dropped off his big excavator just before 5.

6 October 2014

One match set the accumulated detritus from this year’s activities well ablaze.  Except for 5 stumps left over from the last burn, all was consumed by noon.  While I was doing my part for global warming, Kevin and Brian started putting pans (the technical term for the part of a standing seam roof that lies flat against the sheathing) on the north side, getting that side done by beer-thirty.  While that was ongoing, I split a bunch of kindling wood for this winter / next spring, then cut up and moved into the woodshed some of the slab wood pile left from Toby Rheaume’s beam-sawing endeavors back in August 2010.  That red oak and maple has been under a tarp the whole time and still is in very burnable condition. Went over to Kate’s for wine and hors d’oeuvres, joined there by Tammy and Fran.  A fun time… and somehow we made two bottles of vino fino disappear.

5 October 2014

Finished caulking the house basement control joints and securing the basement for winter.  Installed the door handle and deadbolt lock on the sauna building.  Put the horizontal wedges on the hydraulic log splitter ram.  With those on, one pass will split a 9 diameter log into 4 perfectly sized pieces. Spent two hours cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood, finishing off the first (of 14) rows.  Each row will hold slightly less than ½ cord of wood.


4 October 2014

After just a little bit of chainsaw / splitting work yesterday, my left elbow is pretty much dead.  Not good!  Rained most of the day, as forecast.  Spent much of the morning figuring out what was wrong with the balance in the checkbook used for house construction and logging expenses; been screwed  up since sometime in July.  Given the number and size of the checks being written out of that account, knowing the current balance is just kinda important.  After lunch, put the radial arm saw to bed for the winter, did a Type-A cleaning job in the house basement, and caulked some more of the control joints.

3 October 2014

One of those days where I got virtually nothing done except at the very end.  Kevin and Brian arrived about 8:30 and finished putting the hip caps on the house roof, then put the drip edge and two of the hip caps on the sauna building.  Found out that Labatt Blue really isn’t too bad… for lunch, which is when the dynamic duo left to attend to another job. I spent several hours in the morning using my new Porter Cable angle grinder (Merry Christmas, Chree!) sharpening the Northstar hydraulic log splitter blades.  The Orkin guy came for his bimonthly spraying visit, finding no problems. Took the two Anderson CW34 windows to Goodro’s to be put up for consignment sale.  Finally got myself a 2 trailer ball so I can tow the log splitter around with the Tacoma.  Did so, setting up a log processing station in the house car turnaround area (in front of the woodshed).  In somewhat over an hour, cut, split, and stacked about 1/5 of a cord of firewood. New chainsaw and log splitter ran like champs!  Found out that Labatt Blue really isn’t too bad for dinner, either.


2 October 2014

Another glorious shirt-sleeve fall day.  Acorns are dropping like rain and the leaves are starting to show some good color.  Kevin and Brian arrived at 8, having already spent an hour bending metal into drip edges and hip caps.  After maneuvering their portable shop (big trailer) into position, Brian started putting on the house roof’s drip edges while Kevin went off to another job site for a few hours.  They worked until mid-afternoon, getting on all but the west side drip edges and most of the hip caps.  Meanwhile, down at the sauna building, I put on shingles until I didn’t have (in a stained condition) the next two of the size I needed.  Then I brought tools and materials up the hill from that work area, starting the process of securing the property for winter.  Rough calculations: I’ll need to stain and put up another 450 shingles (roughly ¾ square, which will use about 1½ gallons of stain and 950 staples) to complete the sauna building siding… which should take me around a week to do next spring.


1 October 2014

I challenge anyone to be able to put down The Disposable Man by Archer Mayor, once begun.  Started that book after dinner last night and, even knowing I had to get up early this morning, didn’t finish it until midnight.  Ack!  Set the alarm for 6:30, hoping to at least be vertical when Kevin Betourney (the roofer) got here at the expected 7 o’clock.  He pulled in at 9…  In 3 hours, working by himself, he erected staging around 3 sides of the house.  No staging on the west side because it would interfere with Jimmy Ploof’s anticipated grading and stone wall building activities next week. I stained another 99 shingles in the morning.  That’s the last batch to be done until next spring; say “Halleluiah!!!!”  After lunch, took $8.10 worth of returnable bottles and cans into Brandon for redemption, then immediately spent that cash on the two most important food groups: beer and ice cream. When I got back to Fern Lake, put a bunch more shingles on the west wall of the sauna building.  Perry stopped by late afternoon to check on progress and talk about a shingling job he will be doing next week, for which he’d like to have his air compressor back.  Good timing, as I’ll be done using it tomorrow.

30 September 2014

Stained another 99 shingles in the morning. Put up shingles on the west wall, getting 11 courses done before I ran out of stained material.  Found a half-eaten acorn under Dolores’ kitchen sink… not a good sign!  Also (after only 5 years of living with Dolores) finally found out what the second electrical switch in the bathroom does: it turns off the water pump!

29 September 2014

Over the weekend, discovered that when we changed the size of the windows in the two Guest Bedrooms, I never updated my fenestration spreadsheet to reflect that change.  Consequently, when I used a printout from that spreadsheet to order the house windows, the delivery last week included two CW34 (6 x 4 emergency escape triple casement) windows vice the two CW24 (4 x 4 emergency escape double casement) windows that we want.  Tim Combs (Goodro’s part-owner and their primary window and door person) will send a letter to Anderson requesting a return for credit and replacement.  This just proves that the old sobriquet, “The client is always right!” should really say, “The client needs adult supervision!”  Stained another 99 shingles in the morning.  Installed the bottom 9 courses of shingles on the south wall of the sauna building… which is over half of that wall done because of the window.  Evicted a chipmunk from the basement.  Down the hill to Marty & Merry’s for Cornish game hens for dinner.  Delightful company and delicious food, as always!

28 September 2014

Another glorious Indian Summer day; temps in the upper 70’s and rarely a cloud in the sky.  No bugs ‘cause we’ve already had a hard frost.  Stained another 99 beers in the wall shingles in the morning.  After lunch, stapled 6 courses of shingles onto the north wall of the sauna building, then made preparations for starting the south wall.  Lake water temperature is still 68°, so went for a very refreshing swim.  Water level is 18 below the top of the dock.

27 September 2014

Stained another 99 shingles in the morning.  (The 100th clothes pin is no longer with us.  Very sad!)  Today being perfect Indian Summer weather, after lunch gave Dolores’ carpets their annual shampoo.  Then went looking for an internet connection, with no joy everywhere I tried.  Finished installing the house rafter tie-downs.  Installed the brackets and 2x4’s that will hold the rows of firewood in place inside the northern half of the woodshed.  Thought seriously about going for a swim, but then chickened out decided it was time for dinner instead.

26 September 2014

Steve and I climbed Mt. Osceola (elevation 4,156 feet) in the morning.  We were the first ones on top this day after an invigorating 3.2 mile trek.  On the way back down, we passed at least 50 more people making the ascent.  Absolutely gorgeous weather with (I’m told) views of 40 out of the 48 peaks in New Hampshire that are higher than 4,000 feet.  Headed back to Fern Lake early afternoon.  Just after leaving Steve & Carole’s, a bull moose crossed a short distance in front of the truck on the Stinson Lake road.  Saw a great motivational sign in Woodstock, VT.  “Always give 100%... unless you’re at a blood drive”.  (Oddly enough, there was a blood drive ongoing.)  Got back to Fern Lake at 4:15.

25 September 2014

The Goose Creek crew (Fred, Luther, Ty, and Ian) started arriving before 7.  Good thing, too, as the Goodro’s truck showed up promptly at 7.  By the time Sean got here to supervise at 7:30, all of the house windows (plus some miscellaneous goodies) had been unloaded and placed near where they will be installed next year.  After the Goose Creek folks departed for greener pastures, stained another 100 shingles.  Hit the road at 10:20, stopping in Burlington to spend a few more dollars at Lowe’s and pick up another four gallons of Cabot Weatherizing Stain.  Then drove to Plymouth, NH to procure a new Jonsered CS2253.  Saw some spectacular fall foliage at the higher elevations along I-89.  Stayed overnight with Steve and Carole Osmer, catching up on news from over the past year and enjoying a fabulous repast.

24 September 2014

Stained another 100 shingles in the morning.  Finished putting shingles on the east wall of the sauna building and started doing the same to the north wall.  While waiting for stain to dry, almost finished installing the house rafter tie-downs; only two more to do.  Nonstop phone calls early afternoon coordinating the next couple of days’ activities.

23 September 2014

Stained another 100 shingles in the morning, then stapled a bunch more to the east wall of the sauna building in the afternoon.  Do you begin to see a pattern here?  The Fyles Brothers truck came by to give Dolores a 13.4 gallon drink of propane.

22 September 2014

Stained another 100 shingles in the morning, then stapled a bunch more to the east wall of the sauna building in the afternoon.  Marty and Merry came up for what Merry described as my best lasagna yet.  Guess it weren’t too terrible bad!

21 September 2014

Stained another batch of shingles. Calculated that, at the rate the Weatherizing Stain is disappearing, the sauna building is going to consume over 6 gallons of stain, twice as much as went on the woodshed.  Hope this means that the sauna will be twice as protected…  Went into Brandon to use the internet and buy victuals.  Spent most of the afternoon cooking, making preparations for tomorrow night’s grand repast.  My brother, Steve, stopped by late afternoon for a tour, short visit, and beer.  He was out touring on his new motorcycle and just decided to pop in.

20 September 2014

Completely filled the back of the Tacoma with the recyclables I've been collecting since July and delivered same to the Leicester “dump”, which consists of two garbage trucks (one for recyclables, one for trash) that park down at the town garage in the mornings on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.  Spent the day doing laundry and helping Perry haul firewood from his woodlot to his storage / spitting area.  He served another fabulous lunch, worthy of a 5-star restaurant.  In the evening took Lynne, Perry, Sean, and Ashley out for dinner at the Shoreham Inn.  Excellent food and lively conversation, though  Sean sure can tell a great ghost story, so maybe that should be deadly conversation!

19 September 2014

Finished staining the first square of shingles for the sauna building… only three more squares to go.  Groan!  Put six courses of shingles on the east side of the sauna building, which used up pretty much all of the shingles stained to date.  They sure go on a lot faster than it takes to dip ‘em and dry ‘em.  Ordered the brackets that will be used to hold in place the 2x4’s that will brace the interior ends of the rows of firewood in the woodshed. And here you were thinking that the woodshed was completed ages ago.  Not quite! Finished The Long Way Home, the latest Chief Inspector Armand Gamache novel by Louise Penny.

18 September 2014

Jeff Many came back to (in theory) quickly finish the garage door install.  I dipped another batch of shingles while he was doing his thing.  After awhile, he came down the hill to tell me that his distributor had sent him the door opener hardware for 7 foot high doors, not the 8 foot doors we’re putting in.  Jeff was most perturbed about the screw up and promised to return as soon as the right hardware arrives.  I packed up and headed to Burlington to do errands and drop off the sick air compressor at Burlington Tool Repair (which is actually in Essex Junction).  Took Alverta out to lunch and shopping for a new telephone to replace one of hers that recently died mysteriously.  Borrowed Perry’s air compressor on the way back to Fern Lake.

17 September 2014

Jeff Many arrived at 9 to start installing the two Wayne Dalton 8300 series 8 x 9 garage doors.  After getting him settled to his work, I did a timed trial to see how long it really takes to dip cedar shingles.  Bottom line: 2 hours to do ¼ square (1 square = 100 square feet of coverage with a nominal 5″ exposure on each course).  The sauna building will take 4 squares. The house will require close on to 22 squares.  Looks like we’ll be buying pre-finished shingles for the house…  Sean stopped by to bring me the 1¼″ stainless steel staples I special ordered from Goodro’s yesterday (that’s what is used to fasten the cedar shingles to the wall sheathing) and to do his building inspector imitation.  After lunch, had just finished the first course of shingles on the east side of the sauna building when my air compressor stopped working.  Perfect timing, he says with heavy sarcasm.  Bought the misbegotten son of a xxxxx in March 2013… with a one year warranty.  The Stanley Bostitch rep I called said the nearest repair facility was just outside Albany, NY (2½ hour drive away).  Bother!  But, looked online and found that there is an authorized Bostitch repair place in Essex Junction.  Called them, only to find they have a four week backlog at the moment.  Double bother!!  Decided this would be a good day to finish the open bottle of gin.

16 September 2014

Took $300 worth of lumber and other leftover items back to Goodro’s.  Got a call later from Ann, one of their accounting people, to tell me that I was her most favorite customer ever… for giving her a detailed list of all the items returned, including the invoice numbers.  Sometimes it pays to be a Type A.  Set up my cedar shingle dipping and drying operation after lunch, with the weather clearing as forecast.  Rained when I was halfway through treating the first 100 shingles… of course!  For some reason that batch isn’t drying any too fast… Made the sauna building storyboard, which is a piece of stock that is marked with exactly where the bottom of each course of shingles will be relative to the soffit; that distance changes from 415/16″ above the window sills to 4¾″ below that point.  Used the storyboard to mark each corner of the building, which will ensure that all the shingle courses align going around the building.  Took the plunge, literally, and went into the lake to raise the dock steps into their winter storage position.  Them suckers were H∙E∙A∙V∙Y after being immersed since mid-April! The water was, to say the least, bracing refreshing chilly nice, once you got numb.  Over to Lapidus’ for a delicious “hodgepodge” that Merry created starring some succulent shrimp, avocado, and all the vegetables she could find in her refrigerator.


15 September 2014

Finally trundled out of the RV at 9… sure is nice being able to sleep as late as I want vice having to be ready for work at 7.  Cut and installed the 5/4 x 1¾″ KOMA pieces that bridge between the window / door / corner trim at the top of the sauna building walls.  Then gave the soffits, fascias, feature strips, window and door trim, and corner trim their final coat of paint (Valspar Medallion White 4300).  Put on the 6″ insect screen at the top of the walls (keeps critters from getting down into the Home Slicker behind the cedar shingles) and was just starting the bottom pieces when… I found out that I hadn’t bought as much screen material as I thought I had on Saturday.  In project transition mode, went back up towards the woodshed and found a UPS package in the garage… the light fixture for the sauna.  So installed that light, discovering in the process that yesterday I had put in the switch upside down.  Problem easily fixed.  Lake temperature is 68° and the water level is 16″ below the top of the dock.  On Saturday I put five very dead wooden pallets out by the road with a spray-painted FREE sign on them.  This evening they were gone.  My neighbor across the street, Dave Todd, said he put a whole bunch of poplar wood out awhile ago, and it sat there for months, until he changed the sign from FREE to $20.  The wood then disappeared overnight…

14 September 2014

A raw, nasty morning, spent finding an internet connection that would work at more than a snail’s pace, then catching up on blog postings and email.  No joy at Kate’s (two connections), the Salisbury Free Library, or the Brandon Free Library. Finally found an unsecured router in Brandon… undoubtedly owned by some hacker who is now pillaging my back account.  The weather broke for the better after lunch, so finished the electrical work in the sauna building, minus installing the special high temperature / wet environment light fixture for inside the sauna itself (en route from Seattle via UPS).  Then spent an enjoyable hour (yes, yes, I know I need to get a life) placing the sauna stove rocks into the bin on top of the stove.  Thought the stove seller had sent me twice as many rocks as would be needed, but only ended up with a dozen left over.  As the sun was sinking in the west, jury-rigged a looped “clothesline” for drying cedar shingles, using my 100 foot logging cable, the snatch block, one of the blocks from the 5-fold purchase, and the come-along (to tension the cable).  Pretty slick (if I do say so myself), assuming it works as advertised

13 September 2014

Spent the morning and part of the afternoon moving everything out of the north end of the woodshed in hopes that Santa Alex soon will be here… to chop, split, and stack some firewood.  Put the four squares of cedar shingles in the basement, close to where I’m going to set up a dipping and drying station.  Once the woodshed was neat and clean, transitioned to electrician mode and started wiring in the two lights and second receptacle in the sauna building, discovering that I am 10 feet shy of the 12-2 AWG wire needed for that project.  Rained all afternoon but, miracle of miracles, the house is completely dry on the inside!  Left a voicemail for Sean, undoubtedly making his weekend one of joy and thanksgiving… 

12 September 2014

Fall fell overnight… was sweatshirt weather today.  Knowing that Perry was going to be late arriving this morning, didn’t roll out of bed until 7:45… guess I must have been tired.  Brian showed up at 8 (a true Vermonter, he was dressed in t-shirt and shorts) to put Grace Ice & Water Shield® and Roofguard II® underlayment on the house and sauna building roofs. By the time I finished getting ready to face the day, picked up some of the waste from Brian’s endeavors (stuffing the backing paper from the ice & water shield back into the box the roll comes in), and put the handles on the sauna’s pocket door, Perry pulled in. We installed the pocket door, then put the sauna stove exactly where I wanted it and shimmed the gravestones so that the stove sits on them solidly and reasonably level.  That done, we cut an elliptical hole in the roof directly above the stove’s flue pipe attachment point. Then we installed the 10″ x 10″ square metal sleeve that protects the ceiling joists and attic insulation from the chimney’s heat and supports the weight of the insulated metal chimney.  Finally, we put together the insulated metal chimney pipe and then fabricated metal brackets to brace that pipe where it goes through the roof sheathing.  That done, Perry packed up all the rest of his tools and departed for greener pastures.  Once Brian finished the sauna and we had picked up the rest of the roofing activity detritus, we kicked back for a well-deserved malt beverage, whereupon I noticed my cell phone was (once again) missing in action.  As soon as Brian left, went searching for the phone. While making increasingly frantic sweeps between the woodshed and the sauna building, Tammy arrived over at Kate’s to check on work Nate has been doing there this week.  Went over to say hello and ask her to call my cell phone.  She did, three times, with nothing heard anywhere I was working this afternoon.  Meanwhile, over at the Kevin’s Roofing shop (only a couple of miles away, just on the other side of Fern Lake), Brian was just throwing the last ice & water shield box into the dumpster when the box started ringing!  Brian very kindly brought the box back over here where, sure enough, we found the phone, still in its carrying case, mixed in with the backing paper stuffed into the box.  Whew!