16 September 2014

Took $300 worth of lumber and other leftover items back to Goodro’s.  Got a call later from Ann, one of their accounting people, to tell me that I was her most favorite customer ever… for giving her a detailed list of all the items returned, including the invoice numbers.  Sometimes it pays to be a Type A.  Set up my cedar shingle dipping and drying operation after lunch, with the weather clearing as forecast.  Rained when I was halfway through treating the first 100 shingles… of course!  For some reason that batch isn’t drying any too fast… Made the sauna building storyboard, which is a piece of stock that is marked with exactly where the bottom of each course of shingles will be relative to the soffit; that distance changes from 415/16″ above the window sills to 4¾″ below that point.  Used the storyboard to mark each corner of the building, which will ensure that all the shingle courses align going around the building.  Took the plunge, literally, and went into the lake to raise the dock steps into their winter storage position.  Them suckers were H∙E∙A∙V∙Y after being immersed since mid-April! The water was, to say the least, bracing refreshing chilly nice, once you got numb.  Over to Lapidus’ for a delicious “hodgepodge” that Merry created starring some succulent shrimp, avocado, and all the vegetables she could find in her refrigerator.