29 September 2014

Over the weekend, discovered that when we changed the size of the windows in the two Guest Bedrooms, I never updated my fenestration spreadsheet to reflect that change.  Consequently, when I used a printout from that spreadsheet to order the house windows, the delivery last week included two CW34 (6 x 4 emergency escape triple casement) windows vice the two CW24 (4 x 4 emergency escape double casement) windows that we want.  Tim Combs (Goodro’s part-owner and their primary window and door person) will send a letter to Anderson requesting a return for credit and replacement.  This just proves that the old sobriquet, “The client is always right!” should really say, “The client needs adult supervision!”  Stained another 99 shingles in the morning.  Installed the bottom 9 courses of shingles on the south wall of the sauna building… which is over half of that wall done because of the window.  Evicted a chipmunk from the basement.  Down the hill to Marty & Merry’s for Cornish game hens for dinner.  Delightful company and delicious food, as always!