Kevin and Brian pulled in just after 7 and went to
work on the west side of the house roof, getting most of it done before beer
o’clock. Earned my pay today: noticed,
after they’d put on only one pan that had to be taken back off (ruining
it), that they’d put the rain diverter over the Shop door in the wrong place, something
they wouldn’t have caught until much too expensively late. Jeff Many arrived mid-morning and finished
installing the garage doors. Kevin and I installed the metal chimney on the
sauna building, which I then cleaned and secured for the winter (the building,
not the chimney). I also put the Kubota to bed for the winter and then started
putting together the pile of tools that will be making the trip back to
Virginia. Perry came by late afternoon and helped me move Hopea Kanootti and
the kayak from the waterfront up to the sauna building for winter storage.