18 October 2014
Weather forecast was for rain showers starting
Saturday afternoon. Woke up at
6:30 to a pitter patter on the rooftop.
Quickly put the slide-out in, leaves and all… which is another way of
saying that Delores was a good girl and started right up. After breakfast, took her up to Kampersville
for her final constitutional of the season.
Back t’ Fern Lake by 9:30 and continued the winterization checklist,
ignoring the intermittent rain showers.
Was finishing up when Perry arrived just before 11 to help put on the
big blue tarp. Unfortunately, so did a
downpour. After watching it rain hard
for 15 minutes with no signs of the rain relenting, we uttered an earthy term
that, roughly translated, means “we give up”.
So left Delores sans tarp and headed south. Got back to Springfield 9
hours later. Chree appreciated the
birthday cake; I appreciated the Black Label she had ready.