9 October 2014

Kevin and Brian were off doing flat roof jobs today.  Jimmy got here at 8 to continue playing with rocks. We made the MOST awesome cave… EVER!!!!  The piece de resistance was a 4¾ ton 9 x 6 x 1 flat rock that Jimmy had lying around in his gravel pit and brought over to be the cave roof.  The inside dimensions of the cave are roughly 4 high x 2 wide x 6′ deep. Now the bad news, as hard as this will be to believe: we are rapidly running out of suitable rocks (i.e., 500 pounds or larger) for the retaining wall.  Who’d a thunk? Marty (Merry being away babysitting grandchildren) came up for a real-man’s meal: Scotch, steak, and potatoes, topped off with double chocolate walnut brownies and ice cream.  What’s not to like?