31 July 2015

We’re all going to die!!!!  Got a letter today from the Vermont Department of Heath Radon Program saying that the radon detector that we had in the house basement over the winter was so overexposed that they couldn’t get an accurate reading, which probably means we have more than 30 picocuries of radon per liter (pCi/l).  Gaack!  (The EPA recommends mitigation action whenever the radon level is above 4 pCi/l.)  A new radon detector also was in the mail, which hopefully will tell us just how bad our problem is after a 30 day exposure.  Meanwhile, the living dead continued shingling the east wall.  Having one-of-those-days, I made three attempts to install the KOMA® block and weather proof electrical box for the outlet outside the shop door, failing miserably each time.  This is not complicated carpentry, but was well beyond my feeble capabilities this morning.  Figuring mindless work was more my speed, spent the rest of the day sorting, cutting, and staining shingles.