14 July 2015
While Chree was still
abed this morning, Tim Combs (one of the Goodro’s owners) called to say that he
had screwed up the order for our replacement kitchen window… he forgot to
specify 6 9/16 extension jambs. More news to follow… but the window was not
delivered to Fern Lake today. Sonny and
Ian got here shortly after 7, having stopped at Goodro’s en route to get the
touch up kit needed to seal the edges exposed when cutting shingles to create
the starter course, finish course, and the two courses just below each
window. We had an official signing
ceremony for the first shingle put on the house (northwest corner). While Sonny
and Ian were shingling the area between that corner and the shop door, I spent
much of the morning staining starter course shingle edges while Chree sorted
shingles into their proper size groups. Mindless
work, but somebody has to do those jobs, and who better but the most
mindless lowest paid members of the crew.
After lunch, I put on the starter course between the shop door and the
sun room (southwest) corner. Ian and
Sonny, working together like a well lubricated team, nearly caught up to me
with the first course… and I had a 20 foot head start with, in theory, the
faster task. By quitting time, they had
put two more courses on that section, for a rough total for the day of ¾’s of a
square stapled into place. First guess
(assuming that rate is maintained) is that the house will be completely
shingled on 18 August. Second guess is
that the three of us will be stark raving bonkers within two weeks. Anyone up for a little wager on those two
outcomes? Glen Peck, owner of Peck
Electric, came by late afternoon to talk about electrical wiring work we want
done in the next week or so: lowering the main electric panel by 18″,
installing the utility room electric panel, running power from the main
electric panel (where the meter is) into the utility room panel, and, finally,
wiring up the well pump, septic pump, and septic tank alarm. Also want him to thoroughly review the wiring
plan I have put together to make sure all Electrical Code requirements have
been met.