26 July 2015

A rainy morning, perfect for making changes to the Electrical Plan based on advice given by Glen Peck, vacuuming (with two different vacuums) Delores’ carpets (and even then not coming close to removing all the dog hair!), and doing laundry in Brandon (discovering, upon my return, that the dirty clothes hamper was still full).  Gathered a Kubota-bucket load of small stone left scattered about from when the septic tanks were put in and spread the stone in the mud hole between the road and our mailbox.  Thought about sanding and painting the four windows on the south side of the garage / half bath / kitchen.  Instead, finished reading Get What’s Yours – The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security by Larry Kotlikoff, Phil Moeller, and Paul Solman. This is a MUST READ book for anyone approaching retirement!!!!