Sonny and Ian here for
another fun day of shingling. Chree and
the dogs departed mid-morning for points south, i.e., Springfield via an
overnight visit to Chree’s parents in Connecticut. Soon after Chree left, Steve Poplawski
(Ryan’s Plumbing & Heating) arrived and, in short order, finished
connecting the water system. After just
a couple minutes of brownish water, the flow from the well cleared right up and
I drew off the first gallon for drinking.
During the 50% probability rain shower, the geese and I moved all the
“scrap” lumber (ultimately to become wall blocking) out of the shop and into
Bedroom #1 (the southern guest bedroom, under the sun room). That clears the
decks for continuing basement wall construction during the next rainy day. I spent the day staining the ends of cut
shingles that will be used for the last (top) course. The only thing that saved
my sanity was Ian’s MP3 player. Corrie
(Kate’s mom) said she enjoyed waking up to the Beatles… so maybe we’d better
turn the volume down a couple of notches.
With the Kubota, moved the pallet of shingles from in back of the house
to the garage. Managed to dump half the
load rounding the curve onto Kate’s driveway… and didn’t get the evidence
removed before Corrie and Billie (Kate’s grandmother) returned from their day’s
outing. Traded voicemails all day with the mosquito control commission… which
is almost as frustrating as them not spraying at Triangle Square Circle. Had to make an emergency run to Hannaford’s
after work, as Chree forgot to get ice cream when she was out shopping the
other day.