3 July 2015

As usual, Sonny and Ian got here at 7 and went to work putting up basement wall studs.  I helped Sonny for awhile sheathing the inside walls of the utility room.  Rather than cut into the final sheet of AC plywood to get a piece 16″ wide, I told Sonny to use a “scrap” piece of BC plywood leftover from some past project.  Needless to say, unending grief for my decision issued forth from all and sundry for the rest of the day.  Welcome to the crew!  Meanwhile, Jimmy and James continued putting in the septic system force main, closing Kate’s driveway for several hours, and then closing our driveway just when Chree was returning from doing errands in Middlebury.  Turns out the Prius does pretty good as an all terrain vehicle, as she zigged through the woods to get around the driveway blockage.  By quitting time the force main had been run all the way to leach field area and both driveways were back to pristine condition.  Katy, Alex, and Devin arrived at 9. Soon thereafter Katy had her first Kubota operating experience, successfully completing some tight-quarters maneuvering.  Alex dug most of the trench for the conduit that will connect the house to the walkway / sauna / waterfront.  As soon as I got all the wires connected and Alex backfilled the trench, realized that the conduit needs to contain 4 wires (so that the walkway lights can be controlled from inside the house, eventually), not the 3 that were in it.  Not only will the conduit have to be re-excavated, but it will have to be replaced with a larger diameter to accept the 4th wire.  C’est la vie Doug!  When Katy remounted the Kubota to put it away for the night, Devin (now age 20 months) decided he wanted to drive the “digger”, too.  So he “helped” Katy, but was a little frustrated when she wanted to turn the steering wheel in a direction opposite to what he wanted.  Don’t think he’s quite ready yet for his CDL test.  Burgers and dogs on the campfire and a delightful picnic outside for dinner.  Chree and I slept in the house master bedroom (area) for the first time overnight, which proved to be exceptionally pleasurable.