26 May 2011

Into Middlebury first thing in the morning: almost out of honey roasted peanuts again and the Brandon Hannaford’s doesn’t carry Bove’s Roasted Garlic spaghetti sauce anymore! While those items were on the list, the actual reason for the journey was to stop in at Goodro’s and order up additional concrete forming lumber and CDX plywood, plus pick up a large supply of refills for the ThermaCELL lantern. The Check Engine light came on in the Ranger during the trip, so an unplanned visit to Junction Auto is in the offing for next week. Goodro’s delivered my lumber at noon; amazing how small a pile you get for $850. Finished bracing the south wall forms. In the midst of that endeavor (which took longer to figure out HOW to do than to actually erect the bracing), Liam Powers came by to deliver the light fixtures that will be installed in the shed lower level, plus miscellaneous electrical fittings I needed, having bought ½″ stock in Virginia only to discover, upon arrival back at Fern Lake, that Liam and Gary had installed ¾″ conduit during their earlier work. After the form bracing was done, made a quick run to the Salisbury Free Library to satisfy an intense Stephenie Meyer craving, then dropped off some money at Perry’s so he could procure for me another 5 pounds of star-drive deck screws when he is at Home Depot in South Burlington tomorrow. The star-drive screws that Goodro’s carries are the ones that failed so completely under load when we poured the shed concrete columns last year. Returned to Fern Lake, hot and dirty, made a bee-line for the lake. There is such a delightful tension while wading into the 66 degree water… too fast and it takes your breath away and important appendages just fall right off; too slow and all the blood is sucked completely out of your body by flying insects with long proboscises. Once immersed, though, the water was amazingly refreshing.