24 May 2010

There are (at least) 100,000 rocks in Leicester for every resident; there are (at least) 100,000 mosquitoes for every rock.  You do the math.  Second hot stock tip: The Schawbel Corporation of Bedford, MA, makers of the ThermaCELL lantern… which works just as advertised, keeping those flying bloodsucking insects away from a 15 foot radius around the device. Marty says that the constant rain showers have precluded the Town from spraying… and all that rain has certainly encouraged the little buggers to breed… and breed again.  That ThermaCELL lantern, and a double dose of Deep Woods Off, made working outside today quite tolerable.  Stripped the forms off the shed auxiliary storage area footers… and, if I do say so myself, I do a mean foot.  Then cleaned out the keyways where the poured concrete reinforcing walls will lock into the shed footers.  The keyways had accumulated much debris and parging mortar when the rock walls were erected between the columns. Spent the balance of the day building the concrete form for the south reinforcing wall, reusing for that purpose some of the shed column forming lumber.  Since lumber costs more than wine these days, am trying to use each piece at least two or three times before consigning it to a bonfire.