25 May 2011
Bosch rules! In about an hour this morning used my newly purchased Bosch 19-2 8.5 amp hammer drill to bore the ten 3-inch deep holes needed to attach the rebar for new concrete into the shed concrete already in place. Totally destroyed another ½″ super hard masonry bit in the process, but, what the hey, progress don’t come cheap. I hope my hands stop tingling by tomorrow… Alverta arrived shortly after the drilling was done and we spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon swatting mosquitoes taking more measurements of the between-columns rock wall thickness. Then, while she enjoyed a spot in the sun in close proximity to the ThermaCELL lantern, I set about bracing the south wall forms erected yesterday. After Alverta escaped from paradise to return home, I tried to figure out how much of our kids inheritance to spend at Goodro Lumber tomorrow. Options seem to range from “a lot” to “most of it”. While the campfire was turning to cooking coals, turned the Ranger from yellow to green through the magic of water and a sponge.