2 May 2011

Was doing the measurements and calculations to determine just exactly where Fern Lake would be on the Vermont rock, when I discovered that I’m even more omnipotent than I had believed.  Seems that I moved the entire Northeast Kingdom to the shores of Lake Champlain.  (If you’re having trouble understanding the subtle humor here…and my embarrassment as a True Vermonter… compare the picture to a map of the state.)  Oh well, once the cement has set, there’s no turning things around.  Laid and parged seven sections of rock walls.  A couple of squirts of Eau de Vermont solved the black fly problem.  Miracle of miracles, the rain held off until just exactly as I was putting the tarp over the tools at the end of the day.  Just for giggles after dinner, punched into a spreadsheet the 236 wall thickness measurements that Alverta and I took yesterday.  The rock walls average 5¼ inches thick, but the range (per the random sample measurements we took) is between 3 and 8 inches.