23 May 2011
Left our house in Virginia five minutes later than planned, which could have been a disaster in terms of the perennial battle with the Washington area commuter traffic. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good, as I sailed out of town with minimal delays, resulting in arrival at Fern Lake in just over nine hours… with two 10-minute stops in Brandon on the way. First thing I did on arrival was swat a bazillion mosquitoes who decided I would make a good early supper. Hot stock tip: buy Johnson & Johnson (makers of Deep Woods Off). Managed to unload the van into the RV with only one mosquito making an unauthorized entry. At least I think it was only one… When I started Delores to deploy the slide-out, I heard a strange sound: the main cabin door steps retracting. Sure enough, they appear to be operating absolutely normally again. We’ll see how long that lasts! Maybe a mouse mechanic took pity on me while I was in Virginia. And speaking of mice: no signs of any visitors while I was gone. Went down to take the lake temperature with my new thermometer (66 degrees). Found Hopea Kanootti afloat in four inches of water ON the dock. Good thing I secured the canoe to the dock shack before I left. Guess there was a tad bit of rain here while I was down-country.