9 January 2016

Today must be family day… though I didn’t find that designation on the calendar.  Completely unexpectedly, my brother, Steve, and his longtime girlfriend, Mary, came knocking on Kate’s door at 9.  They were down from Calais and thought they’d stop by.  After a quick tour of the house they went off to buy slate for the cabin's hearth at Vermont Specialty Slate in Ferndale.  An hour later, Perry stopped in, having just been next door looking at a job for Marty & Merry.  I spent most of the day tearing out and rebuilding the south wall of the linen closet, which had been a bit of a hack job ‘cause before Christmas I kept having Doug Devoid make the door smaller and smaller.  Chree likes the WAC Lighting DISC lights (in a 4,000K bright white light color), so Sean has hit another one out of the park.  Perry and Steve Ingram (who resides at the south end of Fern Lake and also happens to be a Goodro Lumber salesperson) came over after dinner to sauna.