13 January 2016

Snowed some more overnight so got up at 4:30 (gaack!!!!) to attend to some paperwork (i.e., figure out how to pay bills from my rabidly (sic) diminishing store of funds) and clear the driveways.  Only a 2 accumulation, so the snow blower barely scratched the surface, as I have the skids set at their maximum elevation (for this year, at least) to minimize the possibility of picking up a rock.  Took a half hour to clear both Triangle Square Circle and Essmont Lane (Kate’s driveway).  Was t’ Goodro’s at 6:45, which is before they officially open, but Mark Thomas (one of the four owners) was already there and ready for business.  Unfortunately, they had nary a 3 round ceiling box, either.  Got back to Fern Lake just after 7 to find that Sonny Torrey and Doug Devoid were already present.  Set them to work building the missing portion of the vaulted ceiling in the sun room.  Sonny worked on that all day; Doug helped, but also spent 3 hours installing additional blocking per Sean’s work list.  Tom Hobbs and Logan pulled in at 7:30 and went back to work ducting.  Tom also got started putting in the utility room equipment.  Tom Morrissey got here at 8:15 and continued wiring the main level, with occasional help from me.  He left for the day at noon-thirty.  Steve Poplawski from Ryans arrived somewhere in here as well and got started on the plumbing rough-in.  The Granite Group truck brought Steve enough “stuff” to finish filling the north side of the garage.  Sean came by mid-morning and spent several hours putting together a two-page work list for his troops.  I spent most of the day answering questions about what goes where and de-conflicting the placement of ducts, lumber, pipes, and wires.  To decompress after everyone left, spent an hour cleaning up some of the considerable mess which ensues when seven guys go crazy… building.