14 January 2016
Hobbs, Sonny, Doug, and Logan were all here right around 7; Tom Morrissey arrived
about 8:15. Dennis and Steve pulled in
at 9, bringing with them the Enertech Hydron water-to-water heat pump (the
heart of the geothermal heating system).
After the heat pump and 30 gallon de-super heater hot water tank were
moved into the utility room, Dennis, Tom Hobbs, and Steve spent some time cursing
the architect scratching their heads figuring out the best
arrangement for all the heating / air conditioning / ventilation
equipment. It all will fit… just
barely! Dennis and I also spent some
quality time reviewing the various options with respect to controlling the
foregoing equipment and mitigating dust and fume pollution problems in the shop. Meanwhile, Sonny finished the last little bit
of framing for the vaulted ceiling, then moved on to tearing apart several
sections of shingles on the house west wall in order to install 5/4 KOMA®
blocks onto which will be mounted the HRV’s 9″ square supply and exhaust vent hoods and the
wood stove’s 6″ square combustion air intake hood.
Because of where those hoods have to be mounted, the KOMA blocks had to
be supersized. I’m sure the people
living across the lake will have no trouble seeing them. Doug spent an hour putting in more blocking
then put more R15 Roxul® insulation in the basement walls. After lunch, Sonny and Doug worked on the
stair railings, including modifying the half wall at the bottom of the stairs to
make it stronger. Meanwhile, Steve
continued roughing in plumbing lines and Tom Morrissey used up all the AWG 14-2
electrical wire we had on hand… and made a dent in the 1,000 foot reel of AWG
12-2. The Goodro’s truck brought another
boat-load of material… right in the middle of lunch. Then, in keeping with the finer points of the
7-P principal, right after lunch I drove to Goodro’s to run up the account some
more… and get another 250 feet of 14-2 wire at Green Mountain Electric Supply…
whose staff now calls me by name when I come through the door, which is not a
good sign. Saw people out on the lake
ice as I came back. When not being
distracted by this, that, and the other thing, from time to time throughout the
day I drilled holes in studs and helped Tom pull wire. The UPS guy showed up at dusk with a package
from WAC lighting. That’s W∙A∙C, not whack… at least according to how they answer their phones. Sounds wacky to me. (Pause for groans from the audience…) Any who, the package contained the two 4000K
DISC lights I ordered the other day.
Fast service. That’s the good
news. In the not-so-good-news category,
the mounting holes for the lights are 3½″ apart, which won’t work so well in a 3″
round ceiling box. In fact, the lights’
instructions call for a 4″ square ceiling box. Looks like
we’ll be doing a little deconstruction as we continue wiring the house…