8 August 2015

Spent most of the morning tweaking the Electrical Plan and then installing / moving circuit breakers in the utility room panel to match.  One of these days (hopefully before we move in), I’ll finish making changes to where the electrons are going to go.  James arrived at 1 to move fill with the skid-steer from Mount Ploof to the house north side. Then he used the Yanmar to grade the slope and hide a large hole (formerly used as a slurry pit during the well drilling) now full of stumps.  The result is a semi-level area near the house for erecting staging, a slope that will be easily mowed, and a level area at the bottom of the slope perfect for the Kubota to traverse and for placing the emergency generator and propane tank.  He also widened and leveled the area below the car turnaround area retaining wall, which will make taking the Kubota through there much easier.  James had to leave for another job at 4:30 without quite moving all the fill required, so I expect to see his smiling face again soon.  After burning two wheelbarrow-loads of shingling debris, donated a wheelbarrow-load of rocks to Kate for use in edging her flower garden.