4 August 2015
Ian and Sonny finished
shingling the house east wall, then moved on to the porch, which has some
special challenges because the ceiling over that area is not (damn designer!)
at the same height as any other part of the house structure, e.g., the soffits
or the window / door tops. Jimmy, James,
and I continued with the retaining wall on the south end of the house. Early in that project, Jimmy had to leave for
awhile. James and I attempted to set the
northern-most capstone for over an hour… with no success. Jimmy returned and, in another hour, set ALL
of the capstones. The difference between
many, many and just a few years experience building stone retaining walls. That wall ended up being 10 feet tall at the
high point, is almost vertical, and 34 feet long… which will make a fabulous
climbing challenge for kids, grandkids, and old folks too stupid to know
better. After lunch, while James used
the skid-steer to move his namesake mountain of fill dirt over to the north
side of the house, Jimmy and I tackled the north-end retaining wall. By 5:30
that wall was built. Though again nicely vertical, that wall is only 6½ feet
tall and 16 feet long. Together, both
walls bookend the west side of the house in a very esthetically pleasing
manner. Score one for the designer!