For some reason I
slept until almost 7 this morning… Sonny
and Ian arrived somewhat later and continued shingling. They got the east side of the sun room done
by noon, then continued work on the north side of the house. I unloaded the Kubota, reinstalled the
backhoe and loader bucket, then gave him a bath, preparatory to doing some
overdue preventative maintenance. While
lubricating various appendages, found a frozen grease fitting which took no
time at all to remove and f∙o∙r∙e∙v∙e∙r to replace. But Mr. Perseverance here got it done…
eventually. Sorted shingles for awhile
when the geese threatened to run out.
Started a fire mid-morning that burned all day consuming all the
detritus that had accumulated from log-splitting on Saturday. Packed up the Tacoma for tomorrow’s voyage
south. Emptied and shut down the RV
refrigerator, taking the few remaining perishables over to Kate’s. At sunset, had to go back in the lake a
second time to cool down. Lake
temperature still 80° and the water level now is 12″ below the top of the dock.