28 August 2015

After the morning ride to Kampersville and back with Marty, spent the rest of the time before lunch installing the battens on the south end of the woodshed.  With that done, the woodshed now is officially complete… absent 3 more cords of cut, split, and stacked firewood.  How much did the woodshed cost to construct? $29,906.84, give or take a penny or two, and not including volunteer labor (Steve Osmer is still having rebar tying nightmares…) or my own efforts.  Just to keep the record straight, that cost was only 149.53% of the original budget.  Did errands in Middlebury after dining, including retrieving the planer blades from Ed Miner.  Took two hours to reinstall those blades and adjust them properly.  Took the planer for a test spin afterwards and the boards it produces may not be quite as smooth as a baby’s bum, but there’re pretty darn close.  After de-dusting in the lake (which now is 14″ below the top of the dock and 79° of heaven), took the first wine bottle bag fire starter down to Marty & Merry’s in return for some heavenly salmon, other delightful comestibles, and enjoyable company (as always!).