10 August 2015

Before Sonny and Ian arrived, I took paintbrush and roller in hand to quickly paint the trim around the four windows on the north wall.  Also discovered that the east-facing study window trim was only partially painted (the quality control inspector obviously was totally asleep when that trim was done last week) so corrected that little oopsie,  The Staples Brothers continued shingling the north house wall, getting 8 courses done today, which equates to just over 1½ squares, a new record.  Well done!  I spent the rest of the morning completely finishing painting the exterior trim of the sauna.  Also well done!  At noon I drew water samples from the utility room spigot (and also from Kate’s kitchen sink) for delivery to the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory in Burlington.  When the lady at the lab opened the sample from our well she looked aghast at the brown color.  I explained that it tastes okay and hasn’t killed me yet. She wasn’t impressed… The test strip I got via the Internet says we have 3 grains of hardness, not the 12 grains that Spafford’s reported.  Can’t wait to hear what the lab says…  Did other errands up t’ the big city, visited for an hour with Alverta, and attended a contentious meeting of the Association Executive Board for the condominium we own up thataway.  A Big Mac and McD’s fries for dinner; I think I’m in heaven!