15 August 2015

In completing my morning constitutional, realized that Delores was full, as in F∙O∙S… and could not last any longer unless I wanted to stop eating.  So bit the bullet and gave her a bath, which, with a 3″ x 4″ kitchen sponge took awhile… she is a BIG girl!  Wanted her to look her best (which I’m sure she appreciated) next to all those fancy RV’s at Kampersville.  Why, you ask, didn’t I dump Delores’ tanks into our new septic system?  Because there aren’t any P-traps between our septic tanks and the house (toilets have a built-in P-trap), so all that sewer gas would have ended up making the house not such a pleasant place to work.  Also took a truckload of recycling down to the Leicester transfer station.  What an exciting Saturday morning!  Working from the theory that, if you want to enjoy food cooked over a campfire, then you need a supply of campfire wood, I spent the afternoon (until a thunderstorm came rolling through at 3:30) cutting, splitting, and stacking the long dead spruce and fir that came from opening up the driveway and woodshed site.  A lot of that wood has been “drying” since 2010… and now is completely rotten.  Guess I should have spit it sooner…