7 August 2012
After a totally sleepless night, Marty and I did our usual 10 miles, then I went to work installing the longitudinal and deck boards for the next 12′ of the walkway. Moved the ramp / walkway connection point “out” 1½″ so that the first deck board would be in the right position. Moved a beautiful 1,000 pound rock (5′ long x 14″ square) out of the way of where the next set of in-ground posts need to go. That baby (and its sister, that didn’t have to be moved) will make fine capstones on a future retaining wall. Proving that I’m getting too strong for my own good: broke one of my Irwin Quick Clamps… which takes some doing! Another delicious, delightful dinner at Marty & Merry’s.