13 August 2012

There was a mouse in the trap this morning!!!!  He/she/it now resides under a hollow stump in the Silver Lake parking lot – two miles from here.  Bike ride with Marty, per usual.  Then put toe caps on the section of walkway currently abuildin’.  Dug holes for then planted the in-ground posts that transition from the walkway to the second landing.  Southern post was right on top of a huge, unmovable-without-a-backhoe rock, so that post ain’t in the ground very deep.  For strength / stability, overcompensated on that post’s northern sister, whose butt end is halfway to China.  Fingers crossed that those two posts are within ¼″ of where they’re supposed to be for the walkway / landing transition.  Installed the stringers, railing post, and final pair of longitudinals for this section.  Surveyed the elevation from from the top of the walkway to the second landing – a distance of 122′ 9″.  With a 1 in 7.5 slope, that elevation change should be 16′ 4″.  Actual, as-built, elevation change: 16′ 1″.  Not too awful bad!!!!