2 August 2012

Pooeee!  I don’t know what Delores has been eating lately, but she sure has gotten kinda gassy… if you know what I mean.  So off to Kampersville we went so she could have a therapeutic constitutional.  Back at Fern Lake by 8:30, whereupon I spent the balance of the morning shampooing the RV carpets.  Swear I removed a whole garbage bag of dog hair!  I also noticed that the big spaghetti sauce stain by the dining settee, dating from September 2009, is finally gone.  Heard some strange sounds coming from the down at the lake.  Investigated and discovered the Lake Dunmore / Fern Lake Association dive team busy removing Eurasian milfoil from around our dock.  Big smiley face!!!!  Preparing to run errands at noon, went up to the end of the driveway to remove the sign bracket from the post.  Did so, but then decided to get my tape measure to check the hole spacing on the sign post.  Wasn’t gone (to the RV and back) for more than five minutes, but in that time some ethically-challenged individual(s) absconded with my Werner 6′ stepladder.  #@!%$#@!!!!!  (BIG frowning face!!!!) Though hardly fit to drive (everything seemed to be colored red), went about my business.  A short while later was backing into Lynne & Perry’s single-lane driveway when I met Perry, at the blind corner, exiting said driveway in his truck.  It’s a good thing we both have good reflexes, as it would have been hard to explain to USAA how I was rear-ended by my brother-in-law while driving backwards.  On to Nop’s Metal Works to order ¼″ steel plate for the new driveway sign, plus some 3″ channel steel for modifications I need to make to the RV generator compartment in order to fit the new generator into said compartment.  Then to Martin’s to get a 7/32″ drill bit to ease the lag bolt breakage problem.  Returned to Fern Lake and drilled a hole which, like magic, accepted a lag bolt just fine.  Began drilling a second hole, got in a couple of inches, and the bit broke clean in two.  Double #@!%$#@!!!!!  So, to vent my anger and frustration, dug the holes for and put in the next two in-ground posts, then back to Martin’s I went, where I exchanged my “stubby” for a new (and hopefully more robust) 7/32″ bit.  After that gymkhana, I REALLY needed three fingers of Scotch a swim.  Apparently while I was so engaged, a State Police trooper stopped by to take get a full report concerning the stepladder heist.  The New Haven Barracks dispatcher says the trooper will call me later. Suspect that purloined stepladders are not high on the investigations priority list…