11 August 2012

Reset the last set of stringers I installed day before yesterday – my slope jig said the walkway was getting shallower than the 1 in 7.5 desired pitch.  Moved a 375 lb rock that was right in the way of the next in-ground post.  Ran out of dirt for backfilling the post holes ‘cause of all the extraneous granite that has been removed from the holes, so had to scavenge a couple of wheelbarrow loads of gravel from Tammy’s dredged spoils pile. Installed the next set of in-ground posts, stringers, railing post, and longitudinals.   Started to rain right after lunch, so spent two hours repairing and reinstalling the RV bedroom blind.  Then put deck boards on the walkway for a couple of hours and realized that I’ve screwed up the placement of the last railing post (which guides the placement of the deck boards) so all the post-rain work will have to be undone then redone.  Oh, joy!  Mouse (mice?) is back – another wine cork discovered chewed in the utensil drawer.  Set up a trap with honey roasted peanuts this time.