21 August 2012

Spent a couple of
hours cutting 5/4x6x12 pressure treated deck boards into 3′ lengths and
schlepping them down to the end of the yellow brick road completed
wooden walkway. Then into Burlington I went to deliver a college beer
refrigerator being donated by Lynne & Perry to Lindsey, Steve’s younger
daughter. Stopped at Best Buy to inquire
about the picture editing / compressing software that is MIA. The Geek Squad were, again, less than no help
(two different people blew clouds of smoke up you know where… and even I, no
computer expert, could tell they were just making something up to get rid of
me). In passing, one of them said they get a lot of complaints about the
touchpad on the latest Toshiba laptops. Would have been nice if the salesperson
had mentioned that little tidbit when I was looking at replacement computers. Also
spent some time with Alverta reviewing the financial impacts of alternative
living arrangements she is considering. Check Engine light came on (in the
Sienna this time) as I was headed north.
Looks kinda pretty next to the tire inflation warning light that has
been on for a month… with the tires (including spare) checked regularly for
proper inflation. If it’s not one thing, it’s another… Back to Fern Lake by
4:30, whereupon I started putting deck boards on the walkway section between
the second and third landings, getting about ⅓ completed before swim call.