NOAA Weather Radio said today was supposed to be partly-sunny deteriorating into thunderstorms and rain in the afternoon / evening. Woke up to total overcast and five minutes of a rain shower at 5 minutes to 8… just in time to cancel Marty and my inaugural post-crash bike ride. So worked in the shed all morning fabricating an 8½′ long by 3′ wide ramp (made entirely out of wood otherwise destined for the burn pile) to transition from the lower “driveway” surface up onto the wooden walkway… whose deck is some 15″ above the current ground level. The ramp just sits (very securely) on the end of the walkway, so it can easily (if you’re very strong… or have a helper) be moved out of the way when vehicles need to get through that area. Needless to say, getting the ramp single-handedly from the fabrication site to the installation site was a bit of a challenge, especially negotiating the 120° turn at the first landing. By the time that was accomplished the skies were, indeed, partly-sunny. So set to work digging holes for the next set of in-ground posts. Got the posts in fine, but, when I broke the fifth ¼″ lag bolt trying to attach the stringers, I called it a day. The problem is either: (a) I’ve gotten too strong for my own good, (b) the 3/16 drill bit I’m using for the pilot holes is just a tad too small, (c) the 20+ year old 4x4 posts I’m reusing from the old stairway are just too dry and tough, (d) they’re using really inferior steel to make lag bolts these days, or (e) all of the above. Ate a whole can of spinach (3½ servings if you can believe the label) with dinner tonight. Those lag bolts won’t have a prayer tomorrow…
1 August 2012
NOAA Weather Radio said today was supposed to be partly-sunny deteriorating into thunderstorms and rain in the afternoon / evening. Woke up to total overcast and five minutes of a rain shower at 5 minutes to 8… just in time to cancel Marty and my inaugural post-crash bike ride. So worked in the shed all morning fabricating an 8½′ long by 3′ wide ramp (made entirely out of wood otherwise destined for the burn pile) to transition from the lower “driveway” surface up onto the wooden walkway… whose deck is some 15″ above the current ground level. The ramp just sits (very securely) on the end of the walkway, so it can easily (if you’re very strong… or have a helper) be moved out of the way when vehicles need to get through that area. Needless to say, getting the ramp single-handedly from the fabrication site to the installation site was a bit of a challenge, especially negotiating the 120° turn at the first landing. By the time that was accomplished the skies were, indeed, partly-sunny. So set to work digging holes for the next set of in-ground posts. Got the posts in fine, but, when I broke the fifth ¼″ lag bolt trying to attach the stringers, I called it a day. The problem is either: (a) I’ve gotten too strong for my own good, (b) the 3/16 drill bit I’m using for the pilot holes is just a tad too small, (c) the 20+ year old 4x4 posts I’m reusing from the old stairway are just too dry and tough, (d) they’re using really inferior steel to make lag bolts these days, or (e) all of the above. Ate a whole can of spinach (3½ servings if you can believe the label) with dinner tonight. Those lag bolts won’t have a prayer tomorrow…