5 August 2011
The thermometer in the refrigerator registered 40 degrees this morning and frost again is starting to form on the cooling vanes! So obviously Delores overheard my making her doctor’s appointment. (Pssst, I’m not cancelling the appointment, but don’t tell you no poo.) Another full day placing and cementing rocks on the underground roof ledge. Was making okay progress until my back reminded me that I’d forgotten to take the prescribed Ibuprophen dosage at noon. Lesson learned: don’t put the rim joist on until the rocks underneath it are laid and cemented. Trying to work under that joist (which is fastened to the south end beam with a full tube of PL400 adhesive and many screws, i.e., it ain’t coming off without using high explosives) is a royal pain in the neck. Tammy Walsh and Fran Viko stopped by late afternoon so that Tammy could look over the work planned for next week… and know what equipment to bring on Monday. Tammy made some flattering comments about my masonry work, which made my day.