3 August 2011
Spent the day over at Dan’s removing limbs (wooden, not human) and taking down trees to open up the view of the lake from his house. Jonsered difficult to start when fully warmed up. By quitting time we both were pretty well knackered and desperately in need of a cleansing, relaxing, cool-down swim. While we were in the thrall of refreshment, Perry stopped by to drop off another generous assortment of veggies from his garden plus some succulent blackberries. Fearing the worst ‘cause the refrigerator has completely defrosted itself over the past two days, stuck the thermometer in Delores’ refrigerator and freezer. Sure enough the refrigerator is at nearly ambient temperature and the freezer is hovering around 31 degrees, even with the thermostat set to maximum cool. Am also getting very suspicious about the propane tank level gauge… it’s been showing half a tank all week in spite of copious use of the stove, oven, and hot water. I look into the crystal ball and see $$$$ in my future. Dinner over at Dan’s: steaks on the gas grill, Kingsley corn, one of my better salads (most of whose ingredients were from Lynne’s & Perry’s garden), and a couple of slices of that wonderful blueberry pie. Night had fallen by the time dinner was done, so we decided to take Hopea Kanootti out for a spin. Had to cut the paddling short when I discovered the old fashioned painful way that, after a day of slinging a chainsaw around, my broken rib just wasn’t in the mood for any more exercise.