21 August 2011
Perry came over first thing to move the east and west wall braces so that I could put one of my worthless tarps over the shed floor to at least slow down the waterfall into the lower level from the forecast thunderstorms this afternoon. Perry then drove me back to his house so that Lynne and I could drive into Burlington together… she to do some shopping with Alverta and me to retrieve Delores. A delicious early lunch with Alverta, then she and Lynne took me over to Pete’s RV (located a mile from Alverta’s condo). Delores was there, looking completely out of place among her 2011 cousins. The driver’s window was down and the door unlocked (great security!), the keys were hidden where I was told they would be (better security), but the safety latch on the main cabin door was thrown, so we couldn’t get in that way (wonderful security). Uneventful trip back to Middlebury (cruise control, taillights, and steps working fine; new refrigerator humming away in back). Spent my last C-note at Hannaford’s, then discovered that the shelf and bin layout in the new refer is much less user-friendly than in the old model. Ended up just throwing everything in willy-nilly… which those of you who know me well know drove me more than slightly nuts. In the midst of moving all of my “stuff” out of Kate & Dan’s house and back into Delores, the power went out… while the sheets from the bed I had been using were still in the dryer. Pushed ahead with decamping and cleaning up. Got that done and still no power, so moved Delores back over to her usual resting spot on our property. Lo and behold, power was available at our electrical panel when I went to hook her back up. That’s strange, I thought, for Delores to have power when Kate & Dan don’t, ‘cause our feeds come off the same pole and transformer. Back over to the house I trudged, to discover that Kate & Dan also had power… and their security system was doing all sorts of strange and unusual things about which I had no idea. The phone rang, but, it not being my house, I ignored it. While I was upstairs remaking the bed, the front door opened and a man called, “Hello. Brandon Rescue.” Apparently, when the power came back on the security system called 911, whose operator called the house to ascertain whether or not there was an emergency, but receiving no answer had to assume there was, so dispatched the Brandon emergency response person (EMT), the State police, and an ambulance. A quick phone call from the EMT cancelled the police and ambulance response.