13 August 2011

Chree and I installed the ½″ plywood sheathing over the garage door framing, part of which had to be fastened to the concrete columns with copious quantities of Locktite PL375 and nails fired from the Remington.  Needless to say, Chree and the dogs vacated the county while the Remington was in use.  We were just installing the last piece of plywood when Alex & Katy arrived from Boston.  After lunch, Alex and I installed the 30# builder’s felt (aka: heavy weight tar paper) and PVC trim around the garage door opening while Chree and Katy raked stones off the slope on east side of the shed in a (vain????) attempt to prepare that plot for grass seeding.  Chree’s idea of what constituted a smooth and stone-free planting field and mine were considerably at odds, which caused a mutiny in the ranks.  I got both the raking and the trim installing done eventually, after which some cooling down time in the lake seemed like a good idea.  We planted the slope with a 50/50 mixture of Paris Farmers Union conservation mix and winter ryegrass.  Lynne and Perry joined us for dinner cooked over and eaten around the campfire.  Somehow Doug got nominated to do all the dishes after dinner…