26 August 2011
Took a plate of homemade lasagna (Chree’s recipe, so should be much better than my recent “creations”) down to Marty & Merry so they wouldn’t have an excuse to skip lunch. Perry stopped at Goodro’s on the way over this morning to pick up the materials needed for the shed fascias and soffits. Another $450 added to my burgeoning tab! Does anyone know where I can sell two kids into slavery to raise some cash? While awaiting Perry’s arrival, figured out (again) that I am a total idiot. I already knew that the light switches for the lower level of the shed are in the wrong location, but that happened because a large, immovable-by-hand-and-I-don’t-have-a-backhoe rock forced me to alter the auxiliary storage area design after I was committed to having the switches installed where they are. However, I told the electricians that the light switch and electric outlet on the second level would be on the right side of the person-door (facing outwards), so they ran the PVC conduit to accommodate that placement. I then special-ordered a left-hand door, i.e., a door with the hinges on the left side as you face the door from the outside. So, as configured, the light switch for the upper level would be behind the opened door. Wrong answer, you idiot!!!! Spent most of the day (when not actively engaged with Perry) trying to figure out how to have my cake and eat my foot at the same time. Jeffrey Many stopped by to retrieve two tools he inadvertently left behind the other day. Perry and I put up the ledger boards for the soffits, which are horizontal 2 x 4’s nailed to the shed sheathing, the bottom edges of which are exactly level with the bottom tip of the roof rafters. Then we installed the lookouts, which are short pieces of 2 x 4 that run perpendicularly from the ledger board to the sub-fascia 2 x 6’s (installed yesterday) that cover the rafter ends. The soffits will be nailed to the ledger board, lookouts, and sub-fascia. Sent a large plate of lasagna home with Perry, partial thanks for the constant stream of wonderful vegetables that he has been bringing me from his garden. Had some lasagna for dinner myself… weren’t too awful bad, neither!