The only local “damage” from the hurricane was one fairly large oak branch that came down into the recently created shed turnaround area extension… where I was going to park the Ranger for the storm but didn’t due to tiredness. Obviously, if I’d done as planned, the Ranger would have suffered grave bodily damage. Delores and the shed came through just fine, with only the upper floor of the shed getting wet from water bouncing off the scaffolding and into the door openings. Elsewhere in Vermont there was much more severe damage, mostly from flooding. U.S. 7 (the main north/south highway on the west side of the state) is cut in Brandon and again south of Rutland; state routes 125, 73, and 103 (routes across the mountains from the east and southeast) likewise are closed; Otter Creek in Rutland was 8 feet above flood stage and still rising as of this morning. Perry finished installing the roof sheathing before lunch. Marty came up to take the commemorative picture for this major construction milestone. In between occasional moments helping Perry, I spent most of the day priming all of the fascia, feature strip, and soffit lumber… turning my hands completely white in the process. In the afternoon Perry cut, then we installed, all of the fascia boards.
29 August 2011
The only local “damage” from the hurricane was one fairly large oak branch that came down into the recently created shed turnaround area extension… where I was going to park the Ranger for the storm but didn’t due to tiredness. Obviously, if I’d done as planned, the Ranger would have suffered grave bodily damage. Delores and the shed came through just fine, with only the upper floor of the shed getting wet from water bouncing off the scaffolding and into the door openings. Elsewhere in Vermont there was much more severe damage, mostly from flooding. U.S. 7 (the main north/south highway on the west side of the state) is cut in Brandon and again south of Rutland; state routes 125, 73, and 103 (routes across the mountains from the east and southeast) likewise are closed; Otter Creek in Rutland was 8 feet above flood stage and still rising as of this morning. Perry finished installing the roof sheathing before lunch. Marty came up to take the commemorative picture for this major construction milestone. In between occasional moments helping Perry, I spent most of the day priming all of the fascia, feature strip, and soffit lumber… turning my hands completely white in the process. In the afternoon Perry cut, then we installed, all of the fascia boards.