22 July 2018

Made a run to Burlington to raid Lowe’s and Home Depot for sundry hardware items.  After returning mid-afternoon, finished drilling electrical wiring holes in already-installed wall studs.  Perry came for our weekly sauna, which facilitated a valuable discussion about how to best install the barn ceiling joists so that they also can serve as collar ties for the walls.  (Tech Speak: when the roof has many, many tons of snow on it, the downward pressure wants to squish (that’s a carpentry term) the building flat by pushing out the tops of the walls.  Bad juju!  While joists normally experience a vertical load, collar ties keep the wall tops from moving outward and thus experience a horizontal pulling load.  So, in the barn, we need to attach the joists to the 24′ LVL’s and the east and west walls in such a manner that they can withstand both vertical and horizontal loads.  Just in case you were wondering, the 24′ LVL’s are the collar ties for the north and south walls.  See, that wasn’t so hard…)