15 July 2018

Even though it’s her favorite (sic) job, somehow Chree had an important appointment in Middlebury this morning when time came to tar (but not feather) the below-ground portions of the barn south and west walls.  Used a paint roller this time, which worked surprisingly well; only got a gallon or two on me while applying the rest to the walls.  With perfect timing, Chree got back just as I was finishing.  Checked the position of all the conduit and tie-down bolts protruding from the tops of the walls to verify there would be no interference with wall studs.  Discovered that the Long Ridge crew had left out one of the tie-down bolts!  Merde alors!!!!  Also discovered that I had cleverly placed the conduit for the embedded wood electrical outlet boxes about ½″ too close to their neighboring studs.  Double merde with more alors!  On a positive note, finished moving the planks for another 40 feet of the wood walkway (whereupon I ran out of screws), enjoyed several dips in the lake (whose temperature now is a balmy 80° F), and took an extra long sauna.