9 February 2016
an inch overnight, which certainly makes things look more like winta’ in
Vermont. Denver won the Super Bowl and
Bernie tromped Hillary in the NH primary, so life is good! Not only that, but the overnight pressure
test that Steve did on all of the PEX tubing was 100% successful. So, we’re a smilin’! Sean was here for most of the morning and, as
usual, stayed for lunch. We reviewed
progress and he prioritized Sonny and Doug’s work list. We also reviewed the overall budget and the
cost estimate received from Bryan Arnold for the tiling work he will be doing,
then gave Bryan the go-ahead to order materials and start work. The dry walling duo spent the morning putting
up more of the same on main level interior walls in which we think (fingers
crossed) all the plumbing and wiring has been installed. After lunch Steve bored the 4″
hole through the north wall of the house for the master bath exhaust fan
duct. Unfortunately, the hole he drilled
missed the center of the previously-installed KOMA®
blocking by an inch. Fixing that misstep
cost Steve, Sonny, and me a couple of hours.
In the afternoon, Doug started to put up Roxul®
insulation in the exterior walls of the study, when he wasn’t being distracted
to help with the exhaust fan SNAFU. In
fits and starts over the course of the day I finished putting in all of the
telephone wires.