10 February 2016

This evening, while I was making a final walk-around inspection of the premises as I closed things down for the night, discovered that I’d left out one segment in the telephone wire daisy-chain.  Without that segment, none of the phones in the second guest bedroom, master bedroom, or study would have worked.  Oops!  Fixing that oversight ended the day.  Actually, a really tasty gin and tonic ended the day, but that’s another story.  The beginning of the day was just as bad.  As I looked at the master bedroom this morning, I realized that the primary telephone jack was going to be on the “wrong” side of the bed for convenient usage.  Fixing that faux pas meant taking a sheet of drywall down to expose the wiring.  Glad I caught that error before the drywall was taped and mudded!  Sonny and Doug spent an hour this morning finishing the master bathroom ceiling sheetrock installation.  They spent the rest of the day installing Roxul® insulation, getting almost all of the main level exterior walls done.  Steve ran all the thermostat wires, finished putting in the ductwork for the master bathroom vent fan, moved the hot and cold water connections for one of the master bathroom sinks (they were going to be too close to the vanity cabinet side ‘cause, in a senior moment, I told him we were going to have 24″ wide cabinets instead of the 21 that we actually ordered), and ran a hot water feed line from the mechanical room to under the stairs.  That line will bring warm water from the heat pump de-super heater to the electric water heater.  [Note to file: in case someone ever wants to make the two guest bedrooms into their own heating zones, there are thermostat wires in the wall above the first guest bedroom light switch and in the north wall above that light switch for the second guest bedroom.]  Got a Valentine’s Day card and gift from Chree in yesterday’s mail.  The card read: “I love you more than pizza.  Don’t tell pizza.  Pizza is less expensive!”  The gift was a check for many, many thousands of dollars.  So I went into Middlebury this morning to deposit the check and, to celebrate being flush with funds once again, got my ears lowered at a shop in town.  Jim Ploof stopped by mid-afternoon to be paid for the work he and James did last week.  In the midst of some final (I thought) electrical wiring after Jim left, I got a FedEx package from Chree containing our video doorbell and some paperwork Middlebury National Bank had requested.  So drove back to the bank through a sleet / snow / really weird shower.  Stopped at Green Mountain Electric Supply on the way back south for another 250 feet of AWG 14-3 wire.  Guess I’m not as done with the wiring as I thought…