Big crew today: Sean,
Ian, Fred, Perry, and I… plus perfect working weather means good progress
made. Perry, with some chainsaw help
from Ian (this is not fine furniture we’re building… obviously), cut the
rafters on the east side of the house to length, made the horizontal undercuts
(where the soffit will attach), then put on the sub-fascia 2x6. Sean, with
considerable help from Ian, installed permanent braces under the southwest hip
rafter, then cut a large chunk out of the middle of the hip where the woodstove
chimney will penetrate the roof. That
done, they put in the purlins missing from that part of the roof
structure. After a couple of go-rounds,
Sean and I figured out the design for two steel braces that he will have custom
built to secure the cut ends of the hip rafter to the chimney… while preserving
the required 2″ air-gap separation between the wooden hip and the chimney
masonry. Fred and I spent the day
installing exterior wall sheathing, finishing the north and south walls and
coming within one piece of finishing the east wall before the beer alarm went
off. After everyone had departed, and just
as I was headed down to the lake for a bit of aquatic exercise, the Goodro
Lumber truck showed up with a load of 2x8’s that will be used for rafter tails
between the bottommost purlin and the sub-fascia.