11 July 2014
Ian and Perry spent
the day installing extra studs where the common roof rafters will bear on the
exterior walls, as much of the roof load will be transferred to the foundation
at those points. Sure am glad I got that
degree in civil engineering government / public administration back in
my younger days… They also reframed the
two Guest Bedroom windows so that their centers are aligned with the centers of
the Main Level windows directly above them. (This was one of Sean’s design
change recommendations.) Those two
bedroom windows still will be plenty large, but now the west wall of the house
will be more aesthetically pleasing.
Then Ian and Perry put in all the Lower Level west wall fire blocking to
stiffen up (i.e., make stronger) that load-bearing wall. Finally, the dynamic duo put on the first
course of west wall sheathing.
Meanwhile, Chree and I were enjoying a perfect day at the Shelburne
Museum. We got back to Fern Lake after 5
to find Perry still on the premises, but with the engine of his truck
running. Somewhat later, while grilling hot
dogs over the campfire dressed only in my bathing suit and loafers (now there’s
a sight not for the faint of heart), two gentlemen stopped by and, after a
lengthy test drive, bought the Ranger.